The exclusive wedding supply in Meinong - Bagua hanging amulet

Bagua hanging in front of the door

An unusual-shaped ornament can usually be found hanging in front of the door of the room which is or is used to be for a newly-married couple in Meinong houses.
The hanging amulet called Bagua (八卦, literally: eight symbols) is mainly used for the weddings, and the custom only exists in Meinong area. The idea was from Chinese Bagua that is regarded as a symbol of pursuing good fortune and avoiding bad luck. 

Regarding the shape, the Bagua is composed of two parts. The top is similar to an H while the bottom one is an octagon that is the name of Bagua from (Ba means eight in Chinese). It is said the H is formed by two birds standing on a mountain and the image symbolises a couple starts a family. Moreover, a bouquet folded by a paper money and embedded on the mountain illustrates attracting wealth. The front sides of the both parts feature sequins, beads, and flowers on a bright red cloth while the back side is pure Hakka-style printed fabric. Also, the colourful tassels are at the bottom. There is no standard size and appearance for the amulet.

Parts of Bagua: Top (right), bottom (left)

As one of the dispensable dowries prepared by the bride, in the early time, the Bagua amulet was handmade by the bride herself showing her sewing skills, or by her mom expressing the wishes to her beloved daughter. Nowadays people who follow the custom can still purchase the Bagua amulet and other wedding supplies in a grocery store in the downtown. However, as wedding traditions change by time, few and few people either are willing to apply Bagua amulet in their wedding or know the meaning of the wedding supply. The decreasing demand and the craft experts who are getting retired result in the danger of disappearance of the skill.

Because of its positive image, the Bagua amulet is not only used for wedding but also applied in other places. To express the respect to the Gods, the believers donate Bagua to the Gods by hanging it in front of the altar table inside the temple, especially during the lunar new year and the birthday of the Land God. Drivers place smaller Baguas in the car for accident prevention while small business hangs Bagua on the wall for obtaining wealth and protecting against evil spirits.

Bagua hanging inside the temple of Land God

To introduce and promote the exclusive wedding supply in Meinong, the Meinong Hakka Cultural Museum has announced "The Master of Meinong Traditional Crafts," inviting experts to show their proficient skills to the public. The expert of Bagua hanging amulet is going to perform in the museum from September to October in 2017.

The materials for Bagua production

2017 The Master of Meinong Traditional Crafts - Bagua Hanging Amulet
Artist: Chiu-Jen Huang
Place: Meinong Hakka Cultural Museum (Map)
Time: 9:30-11:30; 14:00-16:00
          8, 9, 22, 23/ September
          12, 13, 26, 27/ October
Ticket: NTD 40 for the museum


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